7th Annual Kid’s Christmas Shopping
Saturday, December 12th is a MUCH looked forward to day at Master’s Manna. It’s ALL about the KIDS!!
KIDS ONLY are allowed in the “Christmas Store” (stocked with donations galore. We specifically need TEENAGE gift selections!!). VOLUNTEERING KIDS escort KIDS that are shopping. VOLUNTEERING KIDS wrap gifts before our shopping KIDS leave the “store”. VOLUNTEERING KIDS make soup, coffee, hot cocoa, cookies and serve the adults as they wait for their KIDS! (Okay… we do have three or six adults that oversee and untangle tape~ but they are KIDS at heart!)
KIDS can not just come and shop. As much as we LOVE KIDS we are also responsible for teaching some life lessons. For a KID to be able to shop for OTHERS (never themselves) they have to accomplish a task. The task is not as simple as it sounds and we have learned to “tweak” as we go along.
Each child that would like to shop MUST write a letter to someone in the military before they are given a shopping appointment. Adults have written letters for children. NOT!!! This is something the child MUST do. If the child can not write~~~ draw a picture. This step is about someone else… not them. Once the letters/pictures are presented a “shopping” token is given for the child to shop for a SIBLING and two adults. If there is no sibling the child may shop for adults. The letters and pictures are then presented to the West Haven VA Hospital for distribution.
While the KIDS are shopping the adults select from donated coats, hats, mittens, NEW socks, NEW underwear for their families. They also eat cookies and/or soup, drink hot coffee/cocoa and RELAX!!
If you are a KID at heart~~ This event is for YOU!! Would love to see you here!