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Weather related closures:  Master’s Manna is closed when Wallingford Public Schools are closed.

Details of our clothing and light housewares program can be found in the “Our Programs” section of the website.

Wills & Trusts

Unlike cash donations, planned gifts require thought and proper counseling before they are made. A common type of planned gift is a charitable bequest through your will, yet there are many other options and methods for planned gifts that may better fit your needs.

Planned gift arrangements, such as charitable gift annuities or remainder trusts, can provide you (and a second beneficiary, if you choose) with an income for life. This income can be outright or deferred. You retain full ownership and control of your assets during your lifetime, and the gift comes to Master’s Manna, Inc. upon your death.

These gifts may be set up by financial institutions such as your bank, or through an attorney or a local community foundation. Benefits include a charitable contribution deduction on tax filings, and the removal of taxable assets from personal estates. Donors should consult with their own tax or legal advisors prior to making a planned gift.  * Planned gifts leave a permanent legacy from individuals to their community that survives long after they are gone.